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  • Kulan cilmiyeed ballaaran oo lagu gorfaynayaan fursadaha maalgalinta iyo horumarinta cilmi baarista ayaa caawa ka qabsoomay jaamacadda Boosaso-Garowe. Prof Ahmed Hassan Faha
Kulan cilmiyeed ballaaran oo lagu gorfaynayaan fursadaha maalgalinta iyo horumarinta cilmi baarista ayaa caawa ka qabsoomay jaamacadda Boosaso-Garowe. Prof Ahmed Hassan Fahal

Kulan cilmiyeed ballaaran oo lagu gorfaynayaan fursadaha maalgalinta iyo horumarinta cilmi baarista ayaa caawa ka qabsoomay jaamacadda Boosaso-Garowe. Prof Ahmed Hassan Fahal ayaa jeediyay kalmad aad u qiima badan gundhigeeduna ahaa sida loo dalbado maalgalinta cilmi baarista iyo sida cilmi baarista kuugu xiri karto caalamka intiisa kale.

University of Bosaso – Garowe hosted a significant scientific gathering focused on funding opportunities and research development. This event brought together researchers and academics from diverse backgrounds, creating a platform for exploring funding avenues and discussing the transformative potential of research on a global scale. The highlight of the gathering was Prof Ahmed Hassan Fahal’s captivating speech, in which he shared invaluable insights on navigating the complexities of research funding and leveraging research to establish meaningful international connections. Prof Fahal emphasized the pivotal role of funding in advancing scientific knowledge and addressing societal challenges. He also highlighted how research serves as a bridge, connecting individuals across borders and facilitating cross-cultural collaboration.
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